Thursday, May 7, 2009

All Packed Up

Sorry its been so long since I've added a new blog. Things have been super crazy here (surprise surprise) and lots has been going on. Let me fill you in...

Well we had movers finally come this week and pack up all of our stuff. So now we are living in an empty house for the next month. Fun times. We are basically living on bare essentials. We bought an air mattress and some really cheap plates, silverware, and glasses from Walmart. We also got a small cheap pot and pan so that I can still cook some food for dinner and stuff. I feel like we are basically camping in a house. But I figure that going without stuff here is so much better than going without stuff in England. Since we won't have a car and technically won't be even able to drive for a while and so we won't be able to drive to a store to get stuff. Plus I don't know how long it will take for us to get a UK drivers license and I'll be freaked out to drive on the other side of the road...I don't wanna kill anyone! But we are hoping for everything to go as planned: we arrive in England on June 12th and then we have a week or so to find a house and then our stuff is suppose to be there by June 17th (well that's what they say now, but I'll believe it when I see it). So we kinda lucked out with having our stuff only take a month in a half rather than 3 full months. I think its because we decided to ship our stuff before the big rush of movers begins in a few weeks. So my fingers are crossed that all of our stuff gets there on time and not broken.

I was so scared and nervous about having packers come this week. We have heard about some really bad experiences that some of our friends have had and how they had so much of their stuff broken or really badly damaged. But after lots of prayers and trusting that the Lord has everything under control, our packers were fabulous! Our first set of packers came last Friday and packed up our "fast" shipment. The "fast" shipment is just a small amount of stuff (750lbs) that they will ship ahead of time and make sure that it arrives before you do. That way when we get to England we can call them and they will deliver it right away. Basically they just tell you to pack daily essentials that you will need such as: towels, sheets, blankets, clothes, dishes, pots and pans, glasses, silverware, bathroom supplies, etc. The only bad thing about this shipment is that they won't let you ship any "furniture". So we couldn't ship a mattress or couch or anything. But we did send a couple of camping chairs so that way if we do find a house quickly and our other stuff hasn't arrived yet, we'll have something to sit in.

Then this week we had another set of packers come for the rest of our stuff. We had 5 people show up, two of which were women, which made me so happy. No offense boys, but girls just seem to be extra careful when packing. They pay extra attention to detail and make sure things are wrapped really well, especially breakables. So I thought that all my worries and stress was a silly waste of time when things seemed to be going really least for the first day. But then we had the actual movers (all men) show up the next day to pick up all of our stuff and put it into wooden crates (which is how it is shipped over seas). Because our stuff is going overseas, they are required to pack the crates in a way that there isn't any empty space. Its like a giant game of tetris. Well the packing of the first couple crates went ok...but then the last two crates were a nightmare. Things weren't fitting together very well and the guys were getting frustrated and on top of it, it was a very muggy and hot day. So they starting cramming and pushing our stuff into the crates. I wanted to scream! They were pushing and pushing our stuff into the crates, forcing things to fit. I was so mad....I don't care how hot it is and how frustrated you are, your job is to carefully pack our things into the crates and not break anything. Well by the looks of it, we are probably going to have lots of stuff broken or damaged. I'm furious. Of course I don't know for sure if anything is broken but I have to say that I would be shocked if it isn't...especially after seeing what I saw. Ugh...I hate moving! I know that if we do find out that things got damaged, we can file a claim and get reimbursed but that just means lots of paper work and more stress. Plus it takes forever to get settled. For example: we arrived in Florida last October and had to file a claim on a few of our things and we just now settled it. That took 7 months!! But this is the way our life is and will be for awhile. So I just need to breathe and know that things like this are out of my hands and all I can do is trust in our almighty God. Because He will take care of us and everything will be ok.

This is what the crates look like...
And I took this right before I wanted to scream

On a better note... A weekend or two ago we played mini-golf (putt putt as Sam would call it) and rode go carts with our best buds Nick and Kristyn. It was so much fun! We all felt like we were on a junior high double date or something. :) The go carts were amazing! Seriously the best track I have ever seen. It was three stories high and had actual hills that you went up and down on. It was a blast! And the go carts went pretty least faster than any that I have ever been on.

Action Shot of Sam!
I was trying to drive while taking this pic

Nick and Kristyn

Game on!! :)

Oh and one last thing. We are trying to sell Sam's truck before we leave for England. Well we posted it on craigslist and got a call that same day. Everything was going really well with the guy who wanted to buy it. We met up with him so he could see the truck and stuff. Well Sam and him made a deal and shook hands on it. Well long story short, the guy never called us and the deal fell through. We are really frustrated because we really need to sell it. So please keep us in your prayers that we are able to find a buyer and everything will continue to fall into place during this hectic move.